Introducing Playback brand story framework

Introducing Playback brand story framework

Playback Brand Story Framework gives you a simple framework to effectively communicate your brand story to customers using videos instantly. It consists of 4 videos in a series as described below:

πŸ‘‰VIDEO 1: Introduction, problem, and vision
The goal of this video is to help the customers get a sense of 3 things very quickly - who you are, what problem you are solving, how did you come up with the idea

● Introduce yourselves along with your background, and make it very personal. Your story should make an emotional connection as well as give the confidence to trust you.
● Explain how you came up with the idea of this brand and the problem that you have identified in your specific market.
● Remember to clearly explain the problem your product is trying to solve. You can always include surprising facts about ingredients or making that customers are not aware of.
● Lastly, end with painting a picture of the change you stand for, your vision.

Example: Please watch this video

πŸ‘‰VIDEO 2: Solution and product differentiation
Goal of this video is to help the customers get a deeper understanding of how your product is going to solve the problem for them and why it is really unique and different from other competitors in the market.
● Talk about how differently you are making it
● Talk about the unique ingredients or raw material, point out health or lifestyle benefits
● Explain the differentiation of your products from other competitors.
● Avoid talking about pricing differences, rather focus on quality, ingredients, or some other product-specific differentiation.

Example: Please watch this video

πŸ‘‰VIDEO 3: Recommended best sellers(Optional)
The goal of this video is to help customers to save time in scrolling through your site to find the best sellers. Customers like social proof. They would always like to try products that are already testified by other customers. Share some recommendations.

Example: Please watch this video

πŸ‘‰VIDEO 4: Discount code(Optional, but recommended)
The goal of this video is to help the customer to give it a try with a discount. People like discounts and will always try to use them. Please shoot a video just speaking out the discount code.

Example: Please watch this video

After finishing this exercise, launch your first interactive video by signing up on Playback using the link here